Hello Artists,
My name is Mrs. McConnell and I am the Visual Arts teacher at Kingsland High School. I have been in the district since 2013 and started as a Para. For the 2023/2024 school year, I finally realized my dream of being a teacher when I became the Art teacher here at Kingsland. I was delighted I could continue here at Kingsland as the district has become my home. I teach 7th grade art and 9-12 elective art courses. Here on my page, you can go to classes to access the Google Classroom page of all my classes.
I live in Ostrander, MN with my spouse, daughter, 2
dogs, and 3 cats. I grew up in Chatfield, MN with two brothers and my mom. However, I am the 3rd oldest of 11! I love all things crafty and love to crochet, sew, draw, paint, and do anything with clay.
I graduated high school in 1997, and currently hold a BA in Psychology and my MA in Education. I am attending classes at Saint Mary's University to take care of a few extra classes.
I have a huge passion for art and I look forward to helping your students find their passion for it as well.

Kingsland Public Schools, ISD No. 2137
705 North Section Ave, Spring Valley, MN 55975
W: 507-346- 7278 Ext: 5326
Google Voice: (507) 722-0633
Room Number: W012
School Email:
Preparation Period: 1st Hour 8am - 9am M T Th F and 8:30 am - 9:30 am W
The best time to reach me is during my prep hour or 7:30-7:55 or 3:15-3:15.
If those times do not work for you please email me and I will try my best to find a time that will work for all of us.