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The Enrich Program located at Kingsland serves students grades 7-12 with unique needs who require a low student-to-staff ratio. The programs offer students the opportunity to work on academics as well as functional and social skills. Our program serves the entire east side of the SMEC (Southern Minnesota Education Consortium) with students from Southland, Leroy-Ostrander, Grand Meadow, and Kingsland. Teaching students in the Enrich classroom is one of the most rewarding experiences I have had. I received my Master's Degree from Grand Canyon University and I hold an Academic Behavioral Strategist license. This means I am able to service students in the disability categories: autism spectrum disorders (ASD), developmental cognitive disability (DCD), emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD), other health disabilities (OHD), and specific learning disability (SLD). Academic Behavioral Strategist I am here in the building school days from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. It is easiest to reach me by email. My e-mail address is howard.chris@kingsland2137.org. You may also call me through the school office at 507-346-7276 extension 5172, please leave a voicemail, including name and number, if I am not available. I will get back to you within 2 school days. |
Contact: Chris Howard |