Adult Classes are RED and Youth Classes are PURPLE
Classes for both groups are in BLUE

Sunday, March 9th at The Pizza Place
Bingo will start at 5:00pm and will end approximately 6:00pm.
Ages: Families with children ages birth through 6th Grade.
Don’t forget to invite Grandma & Grandpa!
Cost to play: Show a receipt that your family ate at The Pizza Place that day
No pre-registration required to play Bingo
The Washington DC Travelers will also be holding a Tip Night Sunday, March 9th!
The buffet will be available from 4-7pm!
A.M. Workouts (Jan 2 - April 29 - Tue & Thur)
Are you looking for a group of dedicated people to work out with? Join our early morning workout group! This class is divided into different stations so you can move at your own pace as well as designed for all fitness abilities. This group is not led by a certified trainer, just dedicated people that work together to better their physical health! Come be a part of our fitness family where you will be encouraged and challenged each session! (Dumbbells available to use on a first come first serve basis. Water bottles and mats recommended).
Supervisor: Angie Gensmer
Location: High School Gym/Weight Room
Dates: Tuesday and Thursdays, Jan. 2nd - April 29th
(No session on 2/20 & 2/25)
Time: 5:15am-6:00am
Cost: $25/person for the season or $1 per time at the door
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Hall Walking
No pre-registration is required and is free to the public.
Please sign in on the clipboard located outside the
Community Education Office located in the Elementary Hallway.
Where: Kingsland Public School (Please enter-Elementary Doors)
When: Days school is in session: 6-7:30am and 4-6pm
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Adult Volleyball 16+
This is a time for you and your friends to get together with other players ages 16 and older for a Sunday night of great exercise! Come to the High School Gym in Spring Valley to enjoy the game of Volleyball! Please enter through Door #16.
Supervisor: Amanda Kaster
Time: Sundays 6:30pm-9pm
Dates: November 3 through March 30 (No Sessions on Feb. 16th)
Cost: $2 per time or $25 for all 22 sessions
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Four Old Broads - Bus Trip
We will be taking a group for supper at Five West and then over to the Rochester Repertory Theatre to see "Four Old Broads!"
Four senior ladies need a break from bingo and macramé. They want to take a Sassy Seniors Caribbean cruise. Unfortunately, things have not been pleasant at their assisted living since nasty nurse Pat came to work there. Together they must solve the mysterious disappearances of their friends and outsmart nurse Pat before they can set sail, in this rib-tickling comedy about friendship and a life well-lived.
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, April 1st
Show Date: Fri, April 18th
Departure: 4:25pm, Kingsland High School
Dinner: 5:00pm, Five West
Showtime: 7:00pm
Return: 10:00pm, Kingsland High School
Cost: $45 (Covers transportation and theater ticket, participants will be able to order from the menu at Five West and will be responsible for their own bill.)
Minimum: 15 attendees for the trip to happen
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Instructor: Driver's Training 101
Complete your 30 hours of classroom training right here in Spring Valley! This course will include 6 hours of behind-the-wheel training to get your license! There is also a required parent class available. Driving hours will need to be scheduled after completion of the classroom hours.
Cost: $390.00 paid cash/check, $405.00 if paid online
Students must be at least 14 years old when class starts
Registration Checks should be made out to: Kingsland and will not be deposited until after the first day of class.
Monday-Friday, June 2 - 13
Elementary Room #W107
Parent Class: Tuesday, June 10
Elementary Room #W107
Registration Deadline: May 29