For your assignments on a Flexible Learning Day in CIS European History, go to:

For you assignments on a Flexible Learning Day in CIS European History II, go to:

For your assignments on a Flexible Learning Day in World History, go to:

For your assignments on a Flexible Learning Day in CIS Political Science, go to:

For your assignments on a Flexible Learning Day in Political Science, go to:

For your assignments on a Flexible Learning Day in Economics, go to:

For you assignments on a Flexible Learning Day in Sociology, go to:

For your assignments on a Flexible Learning Day in 8th Grade Geography (Period 4), go to:

For your assignments on a Flexible Learning Day in 8th Grade Geography (Period 7), go to:

For your assignments on a Flexible Learning Day in Psychology, go to

*Students:  These links should go to the Google Classroom.  Look for the correct post.  It will be labeled with the date and "Flexible Learning Day Activity."

*Parents:  If you want access to your student's Google Classroom, please email me with a Google Classroom Request in the subject bar and provide me with your name and your student's name and I will get you registered to receive updates through Google Classroom.

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