- You do not need to print anything
- Show your work on a sheet of paper
- Show me your work when we return
4th Grade Math: Please click on the link below and practice your multiplication math facts. Enter your name or make up a fun one, click on the multiplication sign and then do the range 0-12. Please set the timer for 5 minutes. Screen shot or write down what your score is at the end and show it to me the next time we meet.
4th Grade Reading: Please read for 20 minutes (this can be the same for your classroom teacher NOT in addition to), any book of choice. Then on a separate sheet of paper fill out a reading response like we have been doing in our groups. One side is your summary of what you read and the other is your response (how you can relate, something you learned, or make a prediction).
5th grade math: Click on the link below and play the game. Show your work on a separate sheet of paper and hand it into me the next time I see you.
5th grade reading: Read for 20 minutes (same as your classroom teacher this is NOT in addition to what you already have to read). Write down at least 3 new words you encountered while reading. Using your context clues tell me what you think they mean. This can be written on a sheet of paper and handed in to me or Ms. Scott the next time we meet.
6th grade math: Finish any missing assignments you might have. Study for your math test. Email me if you have any questions or need help. Below are some links for extra practice of finding surface area. You only have to do rectangular prisms, triangular prisms, and trapezoidal prisms.
Surface Area Game
IXL Practice
6th grade reading: Please read 20 minutes (this in NOT in addition to what you have to read for class). Write down at least 3 new words and fill out the frayer model like we do in class. An example is below.
Frayer Model Example