Hello! I am Ms. Wannarka and I am excited to have you in my Kindergarten class for the 2024-2025 school year! This year will be full of new discoveries and engaging activities for your kindergartner and I am ready to start the year and meet all of you. My mission is to make learning engaging and hands on for students to ensure they have a role in their own growth and success. 

A little bit about me...I grew up in Byron, MN and graduated from Byron High School and recently moved to Grand Meadow. I graduated in May from Winona State University with a BA in Elementary Education and minors in Reading Instruction and Child Advocacy Studies. This is my first year teaching and I am excited to start my career as a Knight! In my free time, I love to spend time reading, watching movies, playing games, and spending time with family and friends. I also have a dog named Rudy who is a Yorkie Maltese that I love to spoil and play with. 


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705 North Section Avenue, Spring Valley, MN  55975
Phone (507) 346-7276   |   Fax (507) 346-7278
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