Ways to Donate to our Classroom!
Classroom Snacks: Snacks play a very important role in education. Kids that are hungry have a difficult time focusing and learning. In addition to sending a snack with your child each day, please consider donating snacks to our classroom snack bin. This bin is available to all students that have forgotten to bring a snack to school. Prepackaged snacks are wonderful, but we also will be happy to have bags of cereal or other snack items that I can distribute to students. This year we do not have any known food allergies and 24 students in our class.
Amazon wishlist: Our Amazon wishlist includes items that will be used this year in our classroom. Items listed include items for indoor recess, manipulatives for hands on learning, holiday celebrations, items for our class prize box, and books that would be a great addition to our classroom library.
Book Donation: It is my goal to continue to build a high-quality library in my classroom. I would like to share with you some ways that you can help your child have access to high-quality literature:
- Donate any unwanted books from your home to our classroom.
- Shop at garage sales or used library book sales for quality children’s books.
- Order books for your child through the monthly online book order (https://orders.scholastic.com/QHY22 ). Not only will your child benefit by receiving reading material for home, but the classroom will also benefit from the bonus points which will be spent to acquire more books for our classroom library.
- Consider donating a book to our classroom in honor of your child’s birthday.

Time: Your time is valuable! If you would like to donate time to help our classroom please contact me. I can always use help to read with our students and provide some extra help. If you would rather help with cutting and prepping material for lessons that is also appreciated. We do have a wonderful Teachers Assistant this year from the senior class that helps each day.
Thank you in advance for your help in strengthening our classroom this year!